Reliability proven by decades

Equipment to support nuclear safety in Russia and in the world

Explore our products

Provide for a safer future

In-house production facilities, system approach to development, highly-qualified personnel

About Company

Nuclear Industry

Radiation environment and personnel contamination monitoring at nuclear facilities.

Customs Control

Wide range of equipment for fissile and radioactive materials monitoring at customs checkpoints.

Anti-Terrorist Security

Protection of facilities and areas against unlawful terrorist-related interference involving radioactive materials.

Environmental Monitoring

Supply of products for continuous integrated monitoring of radiation environment.

Identification of possible directions of development

Technical specialists conduct a detailed examination of general technical requirements of prospective customers, and analyze the existing equipment market. The analysis results are used to determine the relevance, potentiality, time frame for the development of a new product, and its competitive cost. All
work is carried out by the JSC SPC ASPECT specialized subdivisions employing over 90 highly qualified specialists, 7 people of those have scientific degrees.

Product development

This stage, as a rule, includes the development of statement of work, preliminary/technical design, development of design documentation, production and testing of prototypes, revision of documentation based on the test results. Almost all work is performed by JSC SPC ASPECT specialists, a number of tests are carried out in authorized test centers.

Certifications and special tests

Upon the Customer’s request, in most cases, JSC SPC ASPECT performs certification and/or special tests. The company’s specialists develop programs and test methods (if necessary), as well as provide technical support for testing.


We support all stages of development: from site surveys and discussion of the customer’s requirements to putting equipment into operation.  With our products in operation in over 50 countries, we have gained a wealth of experience in negotiations and implementation of projects meeting local requirements and regulations.


JSC SPC ASPECT possesses in-house powerful, all-purpose and mobile mechanical production facilities that support integrity of the process and expanding production volumes of the company.


In-house test and metrology facilities guarantee high reliability and quality of our products.


JSC SPC ASPECT service department provides mounting and commencement of equipment at the customer’s site, which guarantees optimal performance of our products.


The scientific potential of the company is strengthened by in-house production facilities with high-precision instrumentation, which allows us to output quality products of any level of complexity, including customized products as per the customer’s requirements.

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Training following start-up and adjustment

Before commencement of the installed equipment, service department technicians instruct the users in operation of the equipment and answer their questions.

Factory trainings

Our company has a team of trainers, training materials and facilities to provide training of the customer’s specialists in operation and maintenance of JSC SPC ASPECT products in accordance with their training levels and customer’s needs. Online trainings are also possible.

On-site training

Training of the customer’s specialists in operation of our products can be provided on the customer’s site. On-site training is conducted with the JSC SPC ASPECT equipment installed at the site, as well as with specially developed training equipment and software.


Our products do not require deep specialized knowledge for their successful operation. Yet, training of the customer’s personnel in efficient operation and maintenance strengthens their abilities in solving their tasks and reduces costs of unforeseen repairs of equipment due to inappropriate operation.

Information support

JSC SPC ASPECT specialists provide highly-qualified technical support to the users of our equipment, online and email consulting, prompt response to operation and maintenance requests, along with remote diagnostics of the equipment and software status.

Maintenance and repair

Timely maintenance of the equipment ensures its efficient and extended performance.  JSC SPC ASPECT service department specialists have qualification and many years’ experience in maintenance and repair of our products, provide regular maintenance and, if necessary, repair of the equipment either at factory or on-site.

Customer support

One of the most essential processes for us is customer support starting from the assistance in choosing the right equipment  to after-sales support.

Our priority is supreme quality of our products and solutions

Strong development and competitive capacity due to combination of deep scientific research and overwhelming production control.

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Patents of invention

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Countries trust us

Professionalism and expertise

1. Flexibility and customized approach

Apart from our standard products, we provide customized solutions tailored to the customer’s tasks and requirements. At all stages of work, we cooperate with our customers to develop an optimal solution for their tasks.

2. Wide range of products and sales geography

Our products are supplied to over 50 countries and are in successful operation in diverse climates, from the Caribbean countries to Kamchatka and from the north polar regions of Russia to the South Africa.

3. Quality and reliability

Quality Management System complies with the requirements of the GOST Russian State Standard and ISO 9001:2015.

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